Please email Lucy's Closet at to ask about turn around time or for other information. For the most updated pictures you can go to the Pictures page to see all my Flickr photo albums or (not as updated). Check out the new price list for 2013 on the Price List page. Please email your order to .

Friday, January 20, 2012

January - The Month of Babies

I know it looks like her dress is in the piano cake and it probably is!

After owning and operating this business for a few years, there are several things that have become predictable for me. For example, I know for certain that January is the months for births. Every year. Here is a sample of the baby gifts I have been working on since coming back from holiday vacation. In fact, even one of my kiddos has a January birthday and she turned 8. 8!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Lucy's Closet is back from vacation and accepting orders! My turn around time is currently 2 weeks. If you need an item sooner than that please email me at .